Thanks to the internet, a lot of people contact me about my books. These are usually folks who have read one (or more) of them and want to comment on some aspect of what I’ve written.
But I was surprised to hear from a Canadian company that designs and prints premium wildlife T‑shirts for animal lovers. Dark & Wilder was created by Aimé Huot and Ashley Miron and is based in Ottawa, Ontario. The company is named after their two dogs and promotes healthy wildlife populations.
But what really made me smile was their comment that they’d read a quote by me and found it so profound that they created a meme/quote to post on their Facebook and Instagram pages.

My words and an Algonquin wolf, wow.
Aimé and Ashley’s pairing of words and wolf is especially poignant as the Algonquin wolf, now only found in parts of Ontario, has been classified as threatened since June 2016.
Sometimes called the eastern wolf, Algonquin wolves are threatened by low population numbers, interbreeding with western coyotes and human development, as well as hunting, trapping and being hit by vehicles.
I have tented in many places in and around Algonquin Park from 1990 to 1999 with children and without. The most amazing creatures live there in harmony with each other — wolves being the most curious. My then-husband and I were once camping alone south of the highway at Bissett Creek, when in the middle of the night a pack of young wolves came around our tent to check us out as they moved through the area. A few minutes later we heard them in the distance, a short burst of howls, then peace. Magnificence. In 2016 I took my two sons back to the area, only to find that NONE of the driveways down to the lakes are accessible anymore because the land has ALL been portioned off and is being built on. And we question why the wildlife is disappearing? Seriously? I now live in the NWT and find that there are SO many people ignorant of how precious are the Gulo gulo and the Canis lupus to our ecosystems, and how utterly harmless they are to humans IF WE PAY THEM THEIR DUE RESPECT and allow them their necessary habitat. Rant finished. All this to Thank You, very much, for sharing your wisdom and knowledge in various medium. I especially like the muzzle close-up in “How keen is a wolf’s sense of smell?” 🙂 Have you been to Yamnuska Wolfdog Sanctuary? Or Smithers to see the bears? Cheers, k