Testimonials for The Cougar
“Paula Wild has melded a most readable natural history of the mountain lion with an up-to-date discussion of lion ecology, including relationships with humans. Writing with benefit of her understanding of natural environments, Wild paints a fascinating scenario of this adaptable big carnivore and its role in differing ecosystems. Combing first-hand accounts of mountain lion researchers with established scientific results, she both informs and entertains. A first-class read for anyone interested in this big, charismatic animal.”
~ Maurice Hornocker founder Hornocker Wildlife Institute and Selway Institute, editor Cougar: Ecology and Conservation.
“The Cougar is a must read for anyone who spends time in cougar habitat. Although most people will never see a cougar in the wild, the potential for danger is very real. Paula Wild uses compelling first-hand accounts and information from experts to explain what to do if you encounter a cougar, ways to prevent an encounter from turning into an attack and how to defend yourself if an attack occurs. I really enjoyed this book.”
~ Gary Shelton, author Bear Encounter Survival Guide, Bear Attacks The Deadly Truth and Bear Attacks II Myth & Reality.
“Cougars need writers like Paula Wild! Through her writing style and her extensive information base, she makes the story of this cat come alive in a way that will build appreciation for the species, and more than a little wonder about it. She covers the gamut – from the cat’s biology and demographics to the lessons people need to live in cougar country. With this, will come understanding, and with understanding will come a better future for cougars. Anyone with an interest in cats and wildlife will enjoy this book.”
~ Howard Quigley Teton Cougar Project Director and Executive Director of Jaguar Programs at Panthera

“Mountain lions live among us — more so than often realized. While previous authors have effectively explained how to react when face to face with a live mountain lion, they have missed a much broader question: ‘How sustainable is this coexistence?’ Wild delves into this complex issue by examining a variety of perspectives from mountain lion researchers, wildlife managers and attack victims. By presenting the historically negative attitudes toward mountain lions alongside the complex social and biological challenges the species is currently facing, Paula sparks an ethic necessary to conserve mountain lions long into the future.”
~ Marc Kenyon, Black Bear, Mountain Lion & Wild Pig Programs Coördinator California Department of Fish and Wildlife

“I’ll be changing my Bear & Cougar Encounter Course a bit to include what I’ve learned from The Cougar Beautiful, Wild & Dangerous. There is no other book on cougars like this. It’s truly one-of-a-kind and will be valuable and entertaining for wildlife managers and researchers, as well as the general public.”
~ Dave Eyer, wildlife safety instructor, author Bear & Cougar Encounters Course Handbook.
“Wild animal attacks are extremely rare, but anyone who ventures into mountain lion habitat should be aware of the potential danger. We survived a near fatal attack in 2007 because we took the time to learn about lion behaviour. Paula provides this type of information and more in The Cougar.”
~ Jim and Nell Hamm, California mountain lion attack survivors.
“In The Cougar Wild reveals the hidden life of these mysterious, misunderstood and amazing animals. In addition to exploring cougar biology, behaviour and lifestyle, she also presents a detailed history of our relationship with cougars that shows how these majestic animals have been persistently and needlessly persecuted out of prejudice and fear. Throughout the book, her accounts of cougar-human interactions are often disquieting, but she reminds us that these are exceedingly rare events. In the end, her message that humans must learn to co-exist with cougars is clear.”
~ Rob Laidlaw, executive director Zoocheck, author Saving Lives and Changing Hearts: Animal Sanctuaries and Rescue Centers and Wild Animals in Captivity.
“A cleverly written book, taking the reader on an educational and informative journey through the life of cougars, both captive and wild.”
~ Robyn Barfoot curator Cougar Mountain Zoo
Click on the navigation links below to read about the books Paula has written.
Banner photo: Courtesy Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Committee.