Return of the Wolf profiled in The Revelator’s 19 Books About Wolves


The Revelator, an on­line news source, re­cently com­piled a list of 19 not­able books about wolves. And Return of the Wolf, Conflict & Coexistence is in­cluded!

The books provide in­sight into the ever evolving re­la­tion­ship between hu­mans and wolves through­out the cen­tur­ies. Some fo­cus on in­di­vidu­al wolves and packs, while oth­ers ex­plore the broad­er picture.

Most of the books are non­fic­tion but the list also in­cludes nov­els and pho­to­graph­ic col­lec­tions, as well as children’s books and schol­arly tomes.

Only two books out of the nine­teen are by Canadians: Return of the Wolf, Conflict & Coexistence and The Pipestone Wolves: The Rise and Fall of a Wolf Family, a pho­to­graphy book by John Marriott, with text by Gunter Bloch.

The com­pre­hens­ive list was com­piled by John R. Platt, ed­it­or of The Revelator and psy­cho­lo­gist, Dr. Colleen Crary.

To view this fas­cin­at­ing col­lec­tion of books about wolves, vis­it The Revelator, Wild, Incisive, Fearless. 


This wolf caught 15 sock­eye sal­mon in one hour.  Photo cour­tesy Paul Stinsa

The Revelator, a news and ideas ini­ti­at­ive of the Center for Biological Diversity, provides ed­it­or­i­ally in­de­pend­ent re­port­ing, ana­lys­is and stor­ies at the in­ter­sec­tion of polit­ics, con­ser­va­tion, art, cul­ture, en­dangered spe­cies, cli­mate change, eco­nom­ics and the fu­ture of wild spe­cies, wild places and the plan

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