Have You Ever Heard A Whale Exhale?

I have, in fact, many times. And even though I was awed at each oc­cur­rence, none made me smile quite the way this new pic­ture book does.

The rol­lick­ing and lushly il­lus­trated tale leads read­ers on an amus­ing jour­ney into the quirky won­ders of the sea, sky and stars. Sea lions stir up a stink, seagulls shriek and wary sea anemones clench their tentacles tightly.

The clev­er rhymes are the work of Caroline Woodward, au­thor of nu­mer­ous fic­tion and non­fic­tion books for chil­dren, teens and adults. For this story, Woodward draws on her af­fin­ity for nature, es­pe­cially the thir­teen years she spent as a light­house keep­er on the West Coast of Vancouver Island.

Claire Watson’s blend of vi­brant col­or and vivid, fun-filled scenes cre­ate en­chant­ing im­ages. The artist, il­lus­trat­or and graph­ic de­sign­er has spent most of her life on the west coast and her know­ledge and pas­sion for the land, sea, and creatures that in­hab­it these spaces is on full display.

Readers of all ages will chuckle at the antics por­trayed in this light-hearted story. A per­fect read be­fore – or after — a beach or woods out­ing  and even on a rainy day while stuck inside.

For dates and times of read­ings and events vis­it: https://​www​.car​oline​wood​ward​.ca/​n​e​w​s​_​e​v​e​n​t​s​.​htm

Images cour­tesy of Pownal Street Press.