Winter is a time for Reading


When the days be­come short and dark­ness des­cends far too early, I reach for a book. What bet­ter way to trans­port my­self to an­oth­er era, place, or person’s life?

I come from a long line of read­ers. As a child, there were al­ways stacks of books in vari­ous places in the house. As far as I can re­mem­ber, there were no book­cases, just piles of books here and there. Some were for my grand­moth­er and par­ents; oth­ers for me and my three siblings.

As I got older, I slipped volumes from both piles, hap­pily en­scon­cing my­self in an­oth­er world.

For many years after I moved to Canada, my fam­ily vis­ited fre­quently. For some reas­on, they seem to travel in herds and of­ten my two-per­son house­hold ex­pan­ded to sev­en or even nine.

Of course, this meant ex­tra bed­ding and cre­at­ive sleep­ing ar­range­ments. But even more im­port­ant were lamps – some­times with ex­ten­sion cords – so each per­son could read in bed be­fore clos­ing their eyes to sleep.

Those in the know sug­gest that read­ing fic­tion is bet­ter for the brain as it re­quires ima­gin­a­tion. But I usu­ally have two books on the go at once. The day­time book is of­ten non­fic­tion, while the even­ing and bed­time book tends to be fiction.

Books I am or have re­cently read include:

There is a Season by Patrick Lane 

Immersion and Emotion: The Two Pillars of Storytelling by Michele Barker and David Griffin Brown

The Silent Girls by Eric Rickstad

Books on my to read list include:

Book of Longing by Leonard Cohen

The Waiting by Michael Connelly

Gumboots in the Straits: Nautical Adventures from Sointula to the Salish Sea ed­ited by Lou Allison, com­piled by Jane Wilde

Books open the door to oth­er worlds, both ima­gin­ary and real, as well as dif­fer­ent ways of think­ing, eat­ing and mov­ing. They are com­pan­ions on dark, winter nights and al­low us to es­cape the drudgery or demons of every­day life.

Top im­age: some old books by Dickens that my great-grand­fath­er brought around Cape Horn long ago.