
Writing books has taken Paula from re­mote wil­der­ness loc­a­tions to urb­an centres and every­where in between. She’s in­ter­viewed people in up­scale con­dos and while sit­ting on a log on the beach.

Along the way, she’s been giv­en count­less cups of tea and offered un­usu­al treats such as Gut Buster Cookies. She’s also been fed oo­ligans cooked over an open fire and, on oc­ca­sion, po­tent glasses of homemade black­berry wine.

Following the thread of a story is al­ways ex­cit­ing, you nev­er know where it will take you,” she says. “Receiving a grant to see some rot­ting fish was odd…and dis­cov­er­ing I didn’t mind the smell, even more so. And once an RCMP of­ficer told me — that for my own safety – I’d bet­ter leave town right after con­duct­ing a par­tic­u­lar interview.”

Writing a book is al­ways an ad­ven­ture. If it’s non­fic­tion, you get to fol­low leads, in­vest­ig­ate ru­mours and ask lots of ques­tions. A nov­el, on the oth­er hand, means your ima­gin­a­tion gets a real workout.”

Either way, you bet­ter love your top­ic be­cause you’ll be with it a long time. You need to feel pas­sion­ate about the story and be pre­pared to fol­low it to the end.”

All books can be ordered from your loc­al inde­pend­ent book­store, or on­line from Indigo or Amazon.

If you’d like an auto­graphed copy, please con­tact Paula


Click on the nav­ig­a­tion links be­low to read about the books Paula has written.

Banner photo: Nuchatlitz Provincial Park. Photo by Paula Wild