The Cougar, Best adventure book in BC

The Cougar makes top BC ad­ven­ture book in Explore Magazine!

Avid out­doors­man, writer and pho­to­graph­er, John Geary re­cently took a tour of Canadian ad­ven­ture books, se­lect­ing one from each province and territory.

It must have been a daunt­ing task to choose  only one for each area so I was sur­prised and de­lighted when The Cougar, Beautiful, Wild and Dangerous was his pick for BC!

Geary’s se­lec­tion is fea­tured in the on­line edi­tion of Explore Magazine.

Here’s part of what he has to say about The Cougar: “This book de­tails the his­tory of the cou­gar-people re­la­tion­ship, ex­amin­ing cou­gar at­tacks in North America over the last 200 years. It’s an eye-open­er and a good source of in­form­a­tion about cou­gars — in­clud­ing what to do if you en­counter one.…an im­port­ant read.”

To view  Geary’s fas­cin­at­ing Canada-wide se­lec­tion,  vis­it https://​ex​plore​-mag​.com/​13​-​m​u​s​t​-​r​e​a​d​-​a​d​v​e​n​t​u​r​e​-​b​o​o​k​s​-​f​o​r​-​y​o​u​r​-​o​u​t​d​o​o​r​-​b​o​o​k​s​h​e​lf/

Photo by Brent Sinclair, Porcupine Creek Outfitters Ltd.

At top: book cov­er photo by Thomas Kitchin and Victoria Hurst, All Canada Photos