
In Search of the Real Wolf: Remarkable images, startling facts and incredible stories.

Schedule up­dated as events confirmed.

Return of the Wolf avail­able at all events.

Your present­a­tion was ex­tremely well re­ceived. Many many com­ments col­lec­ted, all on the stel­lar side of pos­it­ive. Thank you so much! Barbara Bell, Artistic Director Kingston WritersFest. Photo cour­tesy Kingston WritersFest and pho­to­graph­er, Bernard Clark.

Events  2020

January 26 Sunday – Courtenay, BC

2020 North Island Writers Conference  

9:00 a.m. – 3:30 Blue Pencil Café at North Island College, Comox Valley campus.

 Are you stuck? Not sure if your writ­ing is ready to be pub­lished? Or maybe you need help fig­ur­ing out where to sub­mit your work? If so, take part in a Blue Pencil Café with award-win­ning au­thor and journ­al­ist Paula Wild.

With her keen in­terest in life and lit­er­at­ure, coupled with her own re­cord of suc­cess­ful writ­ing, Paula can provide a valu­able set of eyes and words to any pro­spect­ive work,” notes Harold Macy, au­thor of San Josef and The Four, As Grow the Trees, So Too the Heart.

Participants sub­mit up to four pages of their writ­ing plus, three ques­tions re­lat­ing to their work, as well as their goal for their pro­ject. Adult or young adult non­fic­tion or fic­tion only.

On the last day of the con­fer­ence, they will have a private 30 minute ses­sion with Paula to dis­cuss their work and re­ceive writ­ten comments.

Paula’s words are in my mind as I write each morn­ing. She gave me ex­cel­lent and per­tin­ent in­struc­tion on how to write to my best abil­it­ies and helped bring my mem­oir to a whole new level. I am thrilled!” says Yvonne Maximchuk, whose ma­nu­script was later pub­lished by Caitlin Press.

Deadline for sub­mis­sions is Monday, January 13.

For more in­form­a­tion or to re­gister, vis­it Comox Valley Writers Society.  


Events 2019

April 9 Tuesday — Victoria, BC

7:30 PowerPoint present­a­tion at the University of Victoria, Fraser Building, room 159.

This all ages event, hos­ted by the Victoria Natural History Society,  is open to the pub­lic and is free.

Copies of Return of the Wolf: Conflict & Coexistence and The Cougar: Beautiful, Wild and Dangerous will be avail­able for sale. 


May 8 Wednesday — Vancouver, BC

6:30 — 8:00 PowerPoint present­a­tion at the Britannia branch of the Vancouver Public Library, 1661 Napier St. Vancouver

FMI: 6046652222

This all ages event is free.

Copies of Return of the Wolf: Conflict & Coexistence and The Cougar: Beautiful, Wild and Dangerous will be avail­able for sale. 


Saturday July 20 — Denman Island, BC

Denman Island Readers and Writers Festival

7:309:30  Main Stage Event:  Burning Questions – mod­er­at­or Stephanie Slater talks with non-fic­tion writer Paula Wild, journ­al­ist Andrew MacLeod, and mem­oir­ist Darrel McLeod about cur­rent is­sues that ig­nite their writ­ing; visu­al present­a­tion by Sussan Thomson.


Sunday July 21 Denman Island

10:1511:15 Main stage event: PowerPoint present­a­tion with Paula.

Festival book re­view (third one down)


Thursday Sept. 26 — Kingston, Ontario

Kingston WritersFest 2019

12:30 – 1:30 p.m. Wolf Music, Powerpoint present­a­tion at the Island View Room at the Holiday Inn in Kingston, Ontario.


November 17 Sunday — Courtenay, BC 

7:00  PowerPoint present­a­tion at the Florence Filberg Centre, Rotary Room (lower level, 411 Anderton Ave.)

Event hos­ted by the Comox Valley Naturalists.

Open to the pub­lic in­clud­ing youth. Suggested $4 dona­tion at the door, mem­ber­ships available.

November 29 Friday – Courtenay, BC

6:30 p.m. Reading from re­cent work at the Stan Hagen Theatre at the North Island College Comox Valley Campus.

This free event is co-sponsored by the NIC Write Here Reader Series and the Comox Valley Writers Society and will show­case au­thors lead­ing work­shops at the CVWS 2020 North Island Writers Conference in January.

Previous events


October 13 Saturday – Courtenay,  BC

1:304:30 Book launch at the Lower Native Sons Hall in down­town Courtenay (360 Cliffe Avenue).

1:30 — 2:30 Meet the author

2:30 — 3:30 PowerPoint presentation

3:30 — 4:30 Book sign­ing & refreshments

Book sales by Laughing Oyster Books.

Everyone is wel­come to this free event.


October 17 Wednesday — Campbell River, BC

6:30 — 8:00 pm PowerPoint present­a­tion at the Campbell River Public Library (1240 Shoppers Row)

Book sales by Coho Books

Everyone is wel­come to this free event.



The Old Courthouse Inn in Powell River, BC
While on tour in Powell River, Paula stayed at the 79-year old Old Courthouse Inn. Now a boutique her­it­age hotel, the build­ing was once the com­munity court­house, jail and po­lice station.

October 20 Saturday – Powell River, BC 

2:004:00 PowerPoint present­a­tion at the Powell River Public Library (1006975 Alberni Street).

Everyone is wel­come to this free event.


October 25 Thursday – Bowser, BC

6:308:00 pm PowerPoint present­a­tion at the Deep Bay Marine Field Station (370 Crome Point Road)

Book sales by Mulberry Bush Books

Everyone is wel­come to this free event.

Light re­fresh­ments will be served.


November 4 Sunday — North Vancouver

1:00 — 2:30 PowerPoint present­a­tion at the Lynn Valley Branch of the North Vancouver District Public Library (1277 Lynn Valley Rd.)

Everyone is wel­come to this free event.


November 5 Monday — Squamish, BC

6:30 — 8:00 pm PowerPoint present­a­tion at the Squamish Public Library (37907 2nd Ave.)

Book sales by Armchair Books

Everyone is wel­come to this free event.


November 10 Saturday – Nanaimo, BC

2:004:00 pm PowerPoint present­a­tion at the Nanaimo Museum in down­town Nanaimo (100 Museum Way, In the Vancouver Island Conference Centre).

Coffee, tea and snacks will be served<span style=“color: #990000;”>

Everyone is wel­come to this free event.


November 13 Tuesday — Tofino, BC

7:00 — 8:30 pm PowerPoint present­a­tion at the Clayoquat Sound Community Theatre (380 Campbell St.)

Event sponsored by Raincoast Education Society

Book sales by Mermaid Tales Bookshop

Everyone is welcome.

Tickets $5 at the door.


November 15 Thursday — Port Alberni

3:00 — 4:30 pm PowerPoint present­a­tion at the Port Alberni Branch of the Vancouver Public Library (4245 Wallace St.)

Everyone is wel­come to this free event.


The Cougar Beautiful, Wild and Dangerous

Sharing the Landscape: Can Humans & Cougars Coexist? Stunning im­ages of the big cats, in­triguing facts and thrill­ing stor­ies of hu­man-cou­gar encounters.

The Cougar: Beautiful, Wild and Dangerous is avail­able at all events.

Schedule up­dated as events confirmed.

Paula Wild at a book signing event.
Paula Wild sign­ing books at the Nanaimo Museum. Photo cour­tesy the Nanaimo Museum.


November 18 Wednesday — Duncan, BC 

7:00 pm PowerPoint present­a­tion and read­ing at Vancouver Island University, Duncan Campus (Room 140, 2011 University Way)

Event hos­ted by the Cowichan Valley Naturalists Society, Vancouver Island University and Cowichan Watershed Board and sponsored by the Canada Council National Reading Program.

This free event is open to the public.


November 25 Wednesday — Fanny Bay, BC 

7:00 — 9:00 pm Powerpoint Presentation and read­ing at the Fanny Bay Hall (7793 Island Highway).

Also read­ing that even­ing are award-win­ning au­thors Frances Backhouse with her new book Once They Were Hats and Mark Zuehlke, Canada’s fore­most pop­u­lar mil­it­ary historian.

Event hos­ted by the Fat Oyster Reading Series and sponsored by the Canada Council National Reading Program.

Event is open to the pub­lic with a sug­ges­ted $5 dona­tion at the door.


Paula Wild's books


Top ban­ner photo: This grey wolf caught 15 fish in one hour at Brooks River, Alaska. Photo by Paul Stinsa

Second ban­ner photo by Brent Sinclair, Porcupine Creek Outfitters