Give Canadian books for Christmas. A novel idea some might say, but I’ve been giving Canadian books as gifts since I immigrated to the country in 1971.
Canadian books include every genre and can evoke every emotion. I’ve giggled, sniffled and even been creeped out on occasion. Canadian authors have also informed and enlightened me about our vast and varied multicultural country and provided insight into the human psyche.
Most of my family lives in the USA. What’s at the top of their Christmas wish list each year? Books by Canadian authors. And chocolate, but that’s another story.
This year, relatives ranging in age from 13 to 77 will be getting Canadian books from this household (and not just ones written by me or my partner).
I come from a long line of readers. Being read a bed time story was a favourite

part of my early family routine. I remember the excitement of finally being able to read books on my own. And the naughty thrill of draping a towel over my bedside lamp so I could do so late into the night.
Of course, Mom saw the light under the door. But instead of giving me heck, she said it was okay to read but not to start a fire.
Turns out reading in bed is a family tradition. My relatives tend to travel in herds. In the past, five or more have come to visit at once. And it doesn’t matter if they sleep on the pseudo-Murphy bed in the sun room, on the futon in the basement, on the couch or on a cot, every one of them reads before they go to sleep. Finding enough bedside lights is more of an issue than rounding up bedding and pillows.
Personally, I can’t think of a better way to spend a winter evening than cuddled up with a book by a Canadian author. So, if it isn’t already part of your holiday ritual, consider giving Canadian books as gifts this Christmas.
I posted parts of this blog in 2011 and 2015 but I still believe in giving books — especially Canadian ones — as gifts!