Sylvia is galloping through life as only a fourteen year old can do. At school there are friends, bullies and worse. Dinner with her parents is like sidling through a field of land mines. And all of a sudden she’s Keeper of the Secrets: her own, her grandpa’s and her riding coach’s.
Then there’s the whole hormone thing. Those mysterious entities that surge through a teen’s body making them emotional and affecting their bodies in very noticeable ways. Only Sylvia isn’t having that problem. She has Turner Syndrome, which means she’ll always be short and have to wear kids’ clothes the rest of her life because her body will never develop. Unless she wears estrogen patches and she’s not sure about that.
In fact, the only thing Sylvia’s sure about is that she loves hanging out in the barn, lucid dreaming and doing the forbidden — galloping her horse, Brooklyn. Well, Logan Losino, the cute guy at school, is pretty distracting too.
Rides That Way is funny, warm and perceptive. An unpredictable plot keeps the reader turning pages as Sylvia struggles to come to terms with being a teen and having Turner Syndrome. No matter what, she’s determined to be her true self and find acceptance on her own terms.
Rides That Way is the fourth book in Susan Ketchen’s Born That Way series. Each book delves into the life of Sylvia as she navigates the challenges that relationships with people and animals present. And, although the books are stand-alone reads, once you’ve sampled one, you’ll be eager to explore more of Sylvia’s world.
Although typically classed as young adult novels, Ketchen’s characters generate fan mail from readers age 12 to 82 creating their own niche as family fiction. Gently poking fun at the quirky thoughts and actions of people at every age is one of the things Ketchen does best.
Ketchen, a former marriage and family counsellor, lives in Courtenay, BC on a riverside farm along with her husband, two cats, a multi-trick pony and a flock of geriatric chickens.
For more information visit
Ketchen will be signing books at Laughing Oyster Bookshop in downtown Courtenay on Saturday, September 30 from 1:00 – 3:00 pm.