Return of the Wolf


Return of the Wolf
Conflict & Coexistence

At the top of a rock the height of a two-storey house, the wolf stood sil­hou­et­ted against the sky. We ex­per­i­enced heavy-duty eye con­tact for long, si­lent minutes. I didn’t move, per­haps didn’t breathe. Time was flu­id, at once stretch­ing into in­fin­ity and con­tract­ing into a single heart­beat. There was no air, sun or rain. Only steady, yel­low eyes. And then it was over.

Paula Wild, Return of the Wolf
Douglas & McIntyre October 2018

Silver Medal winner Environment/​Ecology Independent Publisher Book Awards

Return of the Wolf in The Revelator’s 19 Books About Wolves

The Cougar, Best Adventure Book in BC


A BC Bestseller


Return of the Wolf

70 pho­tos with a 16 page col­our insert

~Quill & Quire

Return of the Wolf
Conflict & Coexistence

Wolves were once com­mon through­out North America and Eurasia but by the early twen­ti­eth cen­tury, erad­ic­a­tion pro­grams had drastic­ally re­duced their num­bers. Now wolves are re­turn­ing to their an­ces­tral ter­rit­or­ies and en­coun­ters with hu­mans are be­com­ing more frequent.

Return of the Wolf ex­plores our evolving re­la­tion­ship with wolves and how hu­man at­ti­tudes af­fect the be­ha­viour and con­ser­va­tion of the pred­at­or today.

As a highly so­cial, in­tel­li­gent an­im­al, the wolf is prov­ing ad­ept at nav­ig­at­ing the chal­lenges of an ever-chan­ging land­scape and shar­ing hab­it­at with people. Wolves are ad­apt­ing to hu­mans; can hu­mans ad­apt to wolves?

Combining an­cient myths, nat­ur­al his­tory, sci­ence and per­son­al stor­ies, Paula Wild ex­am­ines what makes wolves so in­tensely com­pel­ling, yet so etern­ally controversial.

Click here to learn more about Return of the Wolf

Advance praise

Wolf and grizzly.
A wolf and grizzly bear face off over a car­cass. Photo cred­it: Tom Littlejohns

Paula Wild takes us on an in-depth and fas­cin­at­ing jour­ney through the du­al­it­ies of hatred and de­vo­tion, fear and fas­cin­a­tion that for so long have shaped our haunted re­la­tion­ship with wolves. If we fear what we do not un­der­stand, then this well re­searched and in­sight­ful book will take us closer to un­der­stand­ing and, hope­fully, to com­pas­sion for a spe­cies ma­ligned for far too long.”
‑Ian McAllister, Executive Director of Pacific Wild

This book will be a pleas­ure for any­one who loves the out­doors or wild­life, and a use­ful cor­rect­ive to the myths that sur­round the wolf.”
‑Tom Sandborn, The Vancouver Sun

Red Riding Hood and the Wolf
An early ver­sion of “Little Red Riding Hood” warned girls about the dangers of strange men. Gustave Doré cre­ated this im­age for Charles Perrault.

Return of the Wolf is a timely, im­port­ant and much needed book. Wild ex­plores di­verse per­spect­ives of the of­ten troubled re­la­tion­ships between wolves and hu­mans from around the world and provides in­sights into ways we can pre­vent con­flict and share the land­scape with this amaz­ing predator.”
‑Bob Hansen, Human-wild­life con­flict spe­cial­ist, Parks Canada (re­tired)


Wolves are pos­sibly the most amaz­ingly won­der­ful an­im­als. They are cer­tainly the most ir­ra­tion­ally hated. Paula Wild helps set the re­cord straight by help­ing us know the real wolf. This is im­port­ant be­cause wolves be­long, be­cause hu­mans and wolves can co­ex­ist, and be­cause we must learn to wage peace with them.”
‑Carl Safina, au­thor of Beyond Words; What Animals Think and Feel

gray wolf
Grey wolves are found in many areas of North America and Eurasia. Photo cour­tesy US Fish and Wildlife Services.

Want to know where we stand with wolves and where they stand with us? Read Return of the Wolf. You will get an up to date, well re­searched ac­count of wolf eco­logy that doesn’t lose the heart of wolves as you learn about them.”
‑Stephen Herrero, au­thor of Bear Attacks: Their Causes and Avoidance



Wolves need all the help they can get in an in­creas­ingly hu­man dom­in­ated world. By com­bin­ing de­tailed data with nu­mer­ous stor­ies, Return of the Wolf greatly helps us to un­der­stand who these amaz­ing and mis­un­der­stood an­im­als are and what they want and need from us, namely, to live in peace and safety. It surely will help to foster co­ex­ist­ence between us and them as we move forward.”
‑Marc Bekoff, au­thor Canine Confidential: Why Dogs Do What They Do


A wolf pup pops his head out of a den hole.
Wolf pups are curi­ous! Photo cour­tesy US Fish and Wildlife Services.

Print edi­tions

Available in Canada October 2018

Available in the USA March 2019


Available in Canada October 2018

Internationally March 2019

Return of the Wolf can be ordered at book­stores through­out Canada and the USA.

It can also be ordered from Indigo, amazon​.ca and amazon​.com

If you’d like an auto­graphed copy, con­tact Paula.

Ebooks can be ordered from Amazon (Kindle), Apple (iBooks), Kobo and Google Play.



Banner photo: Lamar Valley Yellowstone National Park. Photo by Jim Peaco, US National Park Service.